[PIAS] Comedy
Настоящее имя: [PIAS] Comedy
Imprint for releasing comedy related content on all available formats through the [PIAS] distribution network. Active since 2004; founded by Leon Happé and Leo van Schaick.
[PIAS] Comedy Nederland:
Y-tech gebouw
Van Diemenstraat 158 - 1013 CN Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 20 3031342
Email: info@piascomedy.nl
[PIAS] Comedy Belgie:
100 veeweydestraat – 1070 Brussels
Telephone: +32 2 558 58 11
Email: info@piascomedy.be
[PIAS] Comedy UK:
Unit 24, Farm Lane Trading Centre, 101 Farm Lane, Fulham, London SW6 1QJ
Email: comedy@pias.com