Duplium, Carrollton, TX
Настоящее имя: Duplium, Carrollton, TX
Permanently closed optical media manufacturing plant located in Carrollton, TX.
Their activities have ceased at this plant by October 2012.
Mastering SIDs used: IFPI LM61, IFPI LM62
Mould SIDs used: IFPI HK**
Companies known to have brokered manufacturing at this plant include EMA (3), Midwest Records (4), Nationwide CD and www.greenroomprod.com.
The plant's address was 2029 Westgate Dr #120, Carrollton, TX 75006.
Duplium Inc.
35 Minthorn Blvd.
Thornhill, ON L3T 7N5
Toll free: 1 800 819 0701
Head office: 905 709 9930
Email: info@duplium.com