Настоящее имя: CBS/SONY HONG KONG LTD.
Manufacturing company based in Hong Kong, operating under this name from 3 January 1978 to 21 December 1990.
Majority owned (51%) by CBS, Inc.
Please use normal capitalization rules and enter as CBS/Sony Hong Kong Ltd. and not in all caps as it displays. Due to a feature of the Discogs website, the first entry of an artist or label/company sets how upper and lowercase letters are displayed from then on and that's what happened here, the first person who created this company entered it in all capital letters.
Full legal entity name: CBS/Sony Hong Kong Limited CBS新力香港有限公司
HK company number: 0057766
Incorporated: 3 January 1978
First name change: 21 December 1990 to 'Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd. 新力唱片(香港)有限公司'
Second name change: 2 August 2005 to 'Sony DADC Hong Kong Limited 新力數碼光碟香港有限公司'
Third name change: 15 October 2021 to 'Sony Music Solutions Hong Kong Limited