ООО "Вальмонт"
Настоящее имя: ООО "Вальмонт"
ООО "Вальмонт" (Valmont Ltd.) is a Russian company, credited as a manufacturer of pirate/counterfeit CDs, CD-ROMs, DVDs and cassettes for Val Video, Star Track (4) and Dream Sound Studio.
Claims to be operating under license Лицензия МПТР России ВАФ № 77-191
Possibly this is a fictional manufacturer with a fake address, invented because the Russian laws in 2000's demand the manufacturer details & contact info to be printed on CD\DVD covers.
Contact info printed on releases:
ООО "Вальмонт", 125271, Россия, Москва, Каширское шоссе 154.
Тел./факс (095)945-56-00, E-mail: info@valmont.ru