TX2 Holland B.V.
Настоящее имя: TX2 Holland B.V.
TX2 is a company that has been active on the Scandinavian market for some years now, in October they had the opening party of the new office in Holland from where they can focus themself on the Benelux market. Their products are diverse, from Trance 4 Dance, TX2 Hard Dance, to Lutricia McNea, 2PM to Primal Rock. TX2 are always searching for new ways to expand their horizon, they have no boundaries within their fields of work. Knowledge, experience young and dynamix are probably the best words to Describe TX2 Holland B.V.
Related to:
- TX2 Holland
- TX2
- Traffic Trading
TX2 Holland B.V.
Papiermolen 5
Houten, 3994 DJ Holland
Office: (+31) 306340006
Telefax: (+31) 306371794