Zero Collection
Настоящее имя: Zero Collection
Series of 12 DVDs with booklet distributed on Italian newsstands by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Spa via the "TV Sorrisi E Canzoni" magazine.
Collection of releases by Italian artist Renato Zero, comprising of all his videography.
The first release was on 26/01/2018 (Box + Digipack), and the last was on 13/04/2018.
1 - Zerofobia + Box (26-01-2018)
2 - Ciao Nì! (02-02-2018)
3 - La Notte Di Icaro (09-02-2018)
4 - Zeropera (16-02-2018)
5 - L'Imperfetto (23-02-2018)
6 - Tuttozero (02-03-2018)
7 - Tour Dopo Tour (09-03-2018)
8 - Cantiere Fonòpoli (16-03-2018)
9 - Figli Del Sogno (23-03-2018)
10 - Zeromovimento (06-04-2018)
11 - Zeronove Tour (09-03-2017)
12 - Seizero (13-04-2018)