Настоящее имя: Mego
Mego began life during the end of 1994. Founded by Ramon Bauer, Peter Meininger and Andreas Pieper. Ramon and Peter had previously been involved with the label Mainframe (2) (one of Austria's first techno labels with releases by Ilsa Gold, Kirlian and Elin amongst others). Andi is a Berlin based producer who maintains the Mego Berlin studio. By 1995 Pita (Peter Rehberg) joined the crew and Peter Meininger left. The Mego Wien office was based in Meidling, a traditional workers district of Vienna.
Mego was closed down at the end of 2005 and reopened in January 2006 as Editions Mego.
Missing some catalogue numbers? Here comes the explantion:
mego 007 : Mego Jacket
mego 020t: Plays T-shirt by Fennesz
mego 023t : Fist T-shirt by Skot
mego 035t: "Endless Summer" T-Shirt by Fennesz
mego 049t: "Get Down" T-Shirt by Pita
mego 052 : 2002 - 125ccm / 2-Stroke Race Kart
Ruckergasse 10/21+22
A-1120 Wien