Ouïe-Dire Production
Настоящее имя: Ouïe-Dire Production
Created in 1993, Ouïe/Dire is an association of sound and visual artists focused on the listening process and its dynamic relation with everyday life.
Xavier Charles (clarinet), David Chiesa (contrabass), Isabelle Duthoit (clarinet), Kristof Guez (photography), Isabelle Kraiser (photography), Anne-Cécile Paredes (photography), Jean Pallandre (phonography), Yann Paranthoën (radio), Barre Phillips (contrabass), Marc Pichelin (phonography), Laurent Sassi (phonography) among others have worked for Ouïe/Dire.
3, rue de Varsovie
24000 Périgueux, France
+0033 (0)5 53 07 09 48