Sounddesign Studios Linz
Настоящее имя: Sounddesign Studios Linz
Audio Vision - RECORDING STUDIO - Peter Guschelbauer
Upon returning to Linz after having successfully completed my studies of geography and Italian the first affordable sequence programmes had just come onto the market. The software from “Jellinghouse” and “Steinberg” together with the Commodore – computer and the magical word MIDI produced a new freedom for creative musicians.
The programmes quickly developed further and so the change to an Atari- computer soon took place. In conjunction with a Fostex-8-channel machine the first recordings became reality – the SOUNDDESIGN recording studio opened on an area of 12m² in Linz- Urfahr in 1983.
After the first productions were successful not only on regional programmes but also on national radio Ö3 with good to partly very good entries, a second studio in the south of Linz was set up in 1987. With 40m² production room and 50m² recording room the requirements were met not only for solo artists but also for bands from the pop, rock and jazz sector.
In 1989 the MIDI – studio moved to St.Marien for five years 20 km south west of Linz, and eventually was integrated in the larger studio.
To date, about 300 albums, advertising music in every form, sound tracks for presentations and image films, and many more have been produced. Consequently the recording studio belongs to the heart of