Vogue Records Limited
Настоящее имя: Vogue Records Limited
This is a company, not a label. Please only enter this company with company roles. Do not enter it as label.
Abbreviated on some releases as "Vogue" only (e.g. "division of Vogue", "a Vogue production"), notably for labels other than Vogue Records such as Contemporary Records and Good Time Jazz.
Established in England in 1951 as a subsidiary of French Vogue, by 1956 it was controlled by British Decca, who continued to use this as a company name on releases by Vogue Records, Vogue Coral, Vocalion (3), Emerald, Contemporary, Good Time Jazz, even after the Vogue label reverted to its French parent company in 1962. "Vogue Records Limited/Ltd" continued to appear on these distributed labels until 1968.
(contact info now obsolete)
(From 1951:)
Vogue Records Limited,
100 Charing Cross Road,
London, W.C.2.
(From March 1953:)
Vogue Records Limited,
83 Charlotte Street,
London, W.1.
(From February 1954:)
Vogue Records Limited,
113 - 115 Fulham Road,
London, S.W.3, England
Vogue Records Ltd
The Decca Record Company Ltd,
9 Albert Embankment,
London, S.E.1 England