Настоящее имя: ZKP RTVS
ZKP RTVS is short for Založba kaset in plošč Radiotelevizije Slovenija (originally), now Založba kakovostnih programov RTV Slovenija.
Slovenian label established in 1990, a successor to the state-owned ZKP RTVL (Založba kaset in plošč Radiotelevizije Ljubljana). It is the music production branch of the national broadcaster RTV Slovenija (Radiotelevizija Slovenija).
Information about early cassette and last vinyl releases:
After RTV Ljubljana officially became DO RTV Slovenija on April 24, 1990, the label began branding their cassettes and vinyl products with ZKP, RTV Slovenija during Summer 1990, while retaining the old ZKP RTVL logo. The new ZKP RTVS label logo was introduced late 1990. Vinyl releases pressed by Jugoton still featured the RTVL logo until the final issue in Summer 1991. Cassette reissues from that period often carried both the original RTVL logo on card and new RTVS logo on labels. Their last cassette was issued December 2006 ([r17321797]).
Catalog numbers used by ZKP RTVS:
DD ####: CD (domestic artists 1990-1997)
DL ####: CD (foreign artists 1990-1994?)
KD ####: Cassette (domestic artists 1990-1997)
KL ####: Cassette (foreign artists 1990-1996)
LL-####: Vinyl (foreign artists 1990-1991)
1#####: CD (1997-)
2#####: CD (foreign artists reissues 1997-)
3#####: Cassette (1997-2006)
9#####: DVD (2003?-)
Kolodvorska 2
1550 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 (0)1 475 46 30
Fax: +386 (0)1 475 46 78
Managing editor: Mojca Menart
mail: mojca.menart@rtvslo.si
Sales mail: zkp.prodaja@rtvslo.si
(obsolete; 2002-2005)
Dalmatinova 8
(obsolete; 199?-2002)
Dalmatinova 10