BV Music
Настоящее имя: BV Music
Label from Brazil. Use this profile just for audio CDs. For video releases use BV Films
This record company aimed to release some CDs/DVDs/ VHS' of Christian music from the United States and Mexico in Brazil, and was also a book publisher. The activities as a music distributor were closed in 2014. It currently counts only as a distributor of books and bibles.
Rio De Janeiro:
Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 311
Niterói RJ
CEP 24030094
Fone: 21 988894341 / 21 21272600
São Paulo:
Rua Conde de Sarzedas, 160 / loja 1
São Paulo SP
CEP: 01512000
Fone: 21 988894344 / 11 31012538