Настоящее имя: Escape
Czech label. Originally established as a sublabel of Monitor (2) owned by Monitor-EMI s.r.o.. Since early 2000s a sublabel of EMI and owned by EMI Czech Republic s.r.o..
[u]Common catalog# schemes since:[/u]
# ##### #
• catalog last number: 0-Enhanced CD, 2-CD, 9-DVD.
Catalog number of Escape is almost always emphasized in bold in ICPN (International Code Product Number). ICPN is always mentioned in barcode and on the CD spines.
[u]ICPN (Internation Code Product Number) schemes:[/u]
2000 - 2005: 7243 # ##### # #,
2005 - 2006: 0946 # ##### # #,
since 2007: 50999 # ##### # #,
• ICPN last number is check digit.
[u]How to add the correct label:[/u]
1st label: Escape (# ##### #) / 2nd label: Escape (ICPN) / 3rd label: EMI (ICPN) -> this should only be used as a label if the release carries a logo "EMI" or "Music from EMI".
EMI Czech Republic s.r.o.
Kovářova 23/39, 155 00 Praha 5 Stodůlky, Czech Republic
tel.: +420 296 397 111
fax: +420 235 518 331