Cinram, Huntsville
Настоящее имя: Cinram, Huntsville
Cinram's Huntsville, Alabama (USA), manufacturing plant from 1997 to 2015.
[u]Other Cinram plants:[/u]
● For releases that have "CMCA" in the matrix and/or stamped in the mould, please use CMCA.
● Please also consider Cinram for Canadian releases.
● All of Cinram's North American manufacturing plants are identified here:
● If you need assistance in identifying your pressing, or have a question, please post here. Be sure to have a clear scan of the matrix of the release in question uploaded.
[u]LCCN credits:[/u]
● Please use "Glass Mastered At" for pressings with the Cinram matrix; also add the full "SYMMDD-##" glass master catalog number as the catalog number.
Glass Mastered At – Cinram, Huntsville – SYMMDD-##
Example: The Crow: Salvation (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
● If Cinram, Huntsville is not credited in any other role, a “Pressed By” credit can be given when the Mould SID is IFPI 2F00 to IFPI 2F71.
Some releases were glass mastered at one Cinram plant and pressed at another. Examples:
Richmond GM, Huntsville press: Astro Lounge
Huntsville GM, Mexico press: [r20637145]
Huntsville GM, CMCA press: [r3637263]
Cinram did not immediately switch the matrix pattern at Huntsville, but did remove 'Disc Mfg. Inc.' from the matrix upon taking over the plant (at approximately the 1131** catalog number). Any number after '113133' (that does not mention 'Disc Mfg. Inc.' in the matrix) can be credited with a "Glass Mastered At" to Huntsville, with adding the catalog number. Enter the work order number without the cut number. For example, if the work order number is 12345-1, only "12345" is required to be entered in to the LCCN field. See My Kantele as an example.
Manufacturing Broker credits:
Several companies brokered the manufacturing of releases to Cinram, Huntsville. Typically, the only way to identify these brokers is by their by-name mention in the matrix. LCCN credits for the brokers should be per their respective label profile. If the broker's label profile does not specify how to credit the broker, then use the generic Manufactured By credit. For the current list of known brokers see note 3.
Matrix set entry:
● Matrix/Runout:
– Enter the matrix/runout starting from the barcode (if the matrix has one), reading clockwise. Enter the full matrix/runout.
– Include the Mastering SID in the matrix/runout entry. Enter the full matrix/runout.
– Enter '@' simply as @ (no [Cinram '@' logo], etc). It is not a Disc Makers logo, either.
● Mastering SID:
– Some of the glass masters using the inherited Disc Mfg Inc matrix pattern have 'IFPI' preceding the Mastering SID, and some do not; enter the Mastering SID as it appears on the disc.
– As the Cinram matrix did not have "IFPI" preceding the Mastering SID in the matrix, please do not add "IFPI" to the release page's Mastering SID entry (enter only as it appears on the disc).
The matrix:
Cinram Huntsville used the Cinram "American" 2nd generation matrix pattern. Each Cinram Huntsville matrix has 7 parts. Here is an example of a typical Cinram Huntsville matrix ([r20799466]):
MFG BY DISCMAKERS L804 8920 DDRUM K10510-12 A @
Part 1 ("MFG BY DISCMAKERS") A name appears here only when there is a third party brokering manufacturing. Also see note 3.
Part 2 ("L804") is the Mastering SID. Also see note 1.
Part 3 ("8920") is the Client ID #. It is a 4-digit number. If there is a broker, then the number is the broker's Client ID #; if there is no broker, then it is the label's Client ID #. Also see note 2.
Part 4 ("DDRUM") is the release's catalog number block. Also see note 4.
Part 5 ("K10510-12") is the Glass Master number: "SYMMDD-00"; 'S' is the Mastering SID's assigned LBR letter. Also see note 5.
Part 6 ("A") is the encoding type of the disc. See note 6.
Part 7 ("@") appears just before the barcode. See note 7.
Notes 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 are located here:
[u]Note 1[/u]: Mastering SIDs:
● Each Mastering SID has an assigned LBR letter:
L801 = H (CD Aug '97 to Jan '00), N (DVD May '02 to '14+)
L802 = I (CD Aug '97 to April '00), P (DVD Feb '02 to '08)
L803 = J (CD Aug '97 to Dec '01), R (DVD Jun '03 to '15)
L804 = K (CD Aug '97 to May '02), T (DVD '? to ?)
L805 = L (CD Oct '98 to Dec '01)
L806 = M (CD Oct '99 to July '01)
[u]Note 5[/u]: The date of the glass master can be determined from the Cinram matrix number. For example:
[r18493309]: L801 4334 30907 H70915-10 A @
Glass master date: 1997-09-15
We All Live Together, Volume 2: L803 7003 002-CD J10829-01 A @
Glass master date: 2001-08-29
When to add as a Variant or submit as a new release:
● As long as there is no other reason to submit your copy as a new release, and the glass master date is within the initial release period (approximately 12 to 18 months from the release date), add your copy's matrix set as a variant.
● Each glass master manufactured more than 18 months after the title was originally issued should be submitted as its own release.
For example:
'Crystallized' — released February 17th 1998 (I71223-05, glass master date: 1997-12-23).
'[r408876]' — repress (M91023-20, glass master date: 1999-10-23).
● If you are unsure, or if there is a disagreement, please post the release here..
Represses & Reissues:
- The glass master date is not to be used to update the release date field.
- When the glass master date is much later than the release date (i.e. a repress/reissue), instead clear the release date field and add the full glass master date to the Release Notes.
Common errors and error prevention:
A common mistake in the GMCN (for L802) involves starting the catalog # with a 1 instead of an I. Also, O's are entered instead of 0's. The only letter in the GMCN is the letter associated with the LBR; all other characters in the GMCN are numbers. Also, L802 & L803 are sometimes mistaken for each other. A number of L805 and L806 Mastering SIDs have been entered as L808, too.
When copying the existing matrix set to add a variant (or additional disc), occasionally the catalog number gets updated but the Mastering SID does not.
It is highly encouraged to scan the matrix of your Huntsville pressing; if you do so, if the matrix is "mirrored", please flip/rotate the uploaded image so that it is readable.
The mould SIDs occasionally have errors due to the small print size, being stamped into the mould, and the font used; this normally results in 3's, 5's and 6's being read as 8's.
Cinram ownership:
Cinram operated this plant from 1997 (when Cinram acquired the Disc Manufacturing, Inc., Huntsville plant and all other assets of Disc Manufacturing, Inc.) until 2015 when Cinram was purchased by Technicolor.
Media manufacturing:
CD production was from 1997 until approximately 2002. The LBRs were then recalibrated to manufacture DVDs. From 2003 on, Cinram-manufactured CD with DVD releases normally paired Richmond-manufactured CDs with Huntsville-manufactured DVDs (example: [r7374905]).
4905 Moores Mill Rd,
Huntsville, AL 35811
(256) 859-6791