Cool D:vision
Настоящее имя: Cool D:vision
Created in 1995 with the intention of producing high-quality music, as well as publishing compilations, selecting the best in best in electronic music, with particular attention to the latest sounds. Extreme care is taken in design layouts and packaging. Among the most successful titles are those tied to the artistic projects of Mystic Diversions, Donati, Batuk and Joker Juice, and the compilations tied to the fashion scene ‘Milano Fashion’ ‘Roma Alta Moda’, as well as ‘Sister’s Lounge’ and ‘Blacktronic’.
Based in Lodi, Italy
Distributed by: Zeeside Consulting
Via Col di Lana, 8
20052 Monza (MI) - Italy
Ph. +39 039 232 8112
Roma: V.le G. Mazzini, 140 – 00195 / Ph. (+ 39) 06.37516950 – Fax (+ 39) 06.3700542
Lodi: Via C. Cavour, 70 – 26900 / Ph. (+ 39) 0371.420408 – Fax (+ 39) 0371.422472