ООО "Галактис"
Настоящее имя: ООО "Галактис"
ООО "Галактис" (ООО «Галактис») - Russian company, connected with Limited Edition (6), Unknown (LDR) and it's own label Galactic (3)
Releases usually contained the following text on back cover
"Лицензионное соглашение № 058/МЗ-98 от 24.08.98. между РАО и ООО "Галактис".
{ this text in Russian says the release was manufactured under license from РАО }
On many releases the label's name was omitted, and the following text was printed on the cover:
"Лицензионное соглашение № 058/МЗ-98 от 24.08.98. Для продаж на территории России".
{ means - "Manufactured under license. For selling in the territory of Russia }
This license information was reported to be not valid, the releases were not authorised.