Настоящее имя: Karonte
Also credited as Karonte Distribuciones/Nuba Records, sited in Madrid, is a Spanish independent record label, distribution, producing and exporting company for many independent labels since 1989. They publish a vaiety of stiles: world Music, Jazz, Blues, Classic...
In Spain they distribute labels as ACT Records, Putumayo, Rounder, World Music Network, Fremeaux and Saga Jazz. They represent exclusively independent labels as Pneuma, Big Bang, El Europeo, Nuba Records, Karonte Jazz, Cubasoul and Rtve Música.
Av. Alfonso XIII, 141 bajo dcha.
28016 Madrid, España
Teléfono: 913 458 626
Fax: 913 503 358
Email: karonte@karonte.com