db For Him Productions
Настоящее имя: db For Him Productions
db = decibel = unit measurement of sound & music
About Our Organization
Our organization exists to further the work of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to tell the world about the good
news of Jesus Christ. We believe the highest goal of man is to glorify GOD and enjoy HIM forever. We
believe that mankind was created by a personal and loving GOD who desires to speak to us and draw
all people to HIMSELF and that HE does this through those who already know HIM and are committed
to live for HIM. It is our desire to be witnesses for HIM through-out the world.
Kind of like a non-profit organization...
...we keep our costs very low. Nobody collects a salary, all work is volunteer. This allows us to pass
on 100% of the funds raised directly to the needs we support -- sush as our music CD donations &
financial supporting to the Viet missionary work & Việt Christian evangelism
work through Vietnamese Christian Mission Ministry - CMMA; C&MA & VN District of C&MA
(Christian and Missionary Alliance, VietNamese District & Divinity School), Vietnamese Baptist
Churches, Vietnamese Methodist Churches...