Maplehood Rekkids
Настоящее имя: Maplehood Rekkids
MapleHood Rekkids is a locally-based ST. Louis, Missouriindependent record label committed to documenting St. Louis music. It was founded in 2003 by Caroline Hackmeyer and Stephanie Myles.
It is MapleHood Rekkids' aim to act as a catalyst for cooperation among musicians, club owners and talent bookers, radio personalities and powers that be, as well as the St. Louis community as a whole to further music for music's sake. Artists on MHR retain all authorship of, copyright to, and creative control over their material. MHR documents, duplicates, and distributes these works so that they may be discovered and enjoyed by music lovers now and in the future.
MapleHood Rekkids is notable for its Will Rock For Food benefit shows for the St. Louis Area Foodbank, which it has organized annually since 2004.