Sound Performance
Настоящее имя: Sound Performance
Sound Performance is a broker established in 1994, based in Greenwich, London, UK. The company has offered optical disc replication and duplication, vinyl record pressing, audio cassette duplication, as well as printing and packaging and other related services during its existence, either as a broker or at its own facility in Telford, Shropshire (2009-14).
An office was opened in New York in 2008 to offer manufacturing services to the US market. (When crediting Sound Performance in CDs manufactured in the US, please use the Manufactured By tag, as Sound Performance is not known to have run their own pressing plant there.)
In January 2009, Sound Performance acquired a CD and DVD replication and audio cassette duplication plant in Telford, Shropshire from DOCdata Media Ltd. (DOCdata UK). Sound Performance ran this facility until the end of 2014 when the company went into liquidation, after which Sound Performance returned to its former status as a broker to continue business.
Sound Performance started to offer vinyl records to independent labels in September 2013 in a joint venture with the Diamond Black pressing plant in Luton.
Matrix numbers
Sound Performance does not assign its own matrix numbers, and therefore should not have any kind of catalogue# entered in its LCCN entry. Many CDs include '020 8691 2121' in the matrix, which is actually the company's phone number.
The following pressing plant may be identified and credited from the matrix of CDs manufactured through Sound Performance:
The ADS Group
Matrix pattern: SOUND PERFORMANCE 15133-CD-xxxx YY-DDD-xx
Mastering SID codes: IFPI LK13, LK15, LY89 – Mould SID codes: IFPI L81* or IFPI L82*, IFPI 3V43
Example: Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Circvmspice.
In this case, Sound Performance should be credited in the LCCN with Made By and the ADS Group with Manufactured By.
Phone: +44 (0)20 8691 2121
Fax: +44 (0)20 8691 3144
[b]London Head Office[/b]
Sound Performance Ltd
3 Greenwich Quay
Clarence Road
London SE8 3EY
United Kingdom
[b]Telford Manufacturing Facility[/b]
Sound Performance Manufacturing Ltd
Halesfield 14
United Kingdom
[b]Sound Performance USA[/b]
19 West 21st Street
Suite 303A
New York
NY 10010
United States