Настоящее имя: stella*nera
Autonomous anarchistic label run by Marco Pandin under different guises since the early 80's.
Early incarnations included Rockgarage Records (which evolved out of the Italian Fanzine), Catfood Press, P.E.A.C.E., divergo and Art As Hammer until he settled with stella*nera in the 2000's.
The various releases edited and produced since then were, and still are, not distributed in regular record shops: they are available only via mail order, and all proceeds go to a/rivista anarchica, an anarchopacifist monthly magazine published regularily since the early seventies. Marco Pandin is a contributing editor since 1984.
Many of stella*nera most recent releases were produced in collaboration with the Venetian alternative art magazine aparte, whose members are involved in the organization of the anarchist art biennale exhibition.
c/o marco pandin
p. o. box 86
I-35036 montegrotto (pd)