Sony Music Solutions Inc.
Настоящее имя: Sony Music Solutions Inc.
Japanese entertainment company. Established April 1, 2019.
Japanese: 株式会社ソニー・ミュージックソリューションズ.
The company was established as the jacket production and plate-making division of the Sony Music Group.
In 2019, Sony Music Communications Inc. will be the surviving company, merging and integrating Sony DADC Japan and Jarede (Distribution companies under SMEJ) on April 1. In addition, Sony Music Distribution (Japan) Inc. (currently Sony Music Marketing United) will absorb and take over a part of the Marketing Group, the Market Promote Group and the business conducted by the Internet Business Group on April 1.
In line with this reorganization, the company changed its name to Sony Music Solutions Inc.
〒107-6214 東京都港区赤坂9-7-1 ミッドタウン・タワー