مؤسسة ياسر عرفات
Настоящее имя: مؤسسة ياسر عرفات
The Yasser Arafat Foundation is a Palestinian independent non-profit organization, established by Presidential decree No.5 (2007) amended in 2008, that aims at preserving the heritage and legacy of the late President Yasser Arafat among the Palestinian, Arab and friendly peoples. It also aims to undertake charitable, humanitarian, social and academic activities to benefit the Palestinian people. The Foundation receives governmental support and undertakes functions of governmental nature related to the preservation of the heritage of the late President, and at the same time it enjoys legal, fiscal and administrative independence and its work is steered by its own leading bodies.
Yasser Arafat Foundation
Ramallah, Palestine
P.O.Box: 573
Tel: +970 2 2957373
Fax: +970 2 2957372