Era Grand Record
Настоящее имя: Era Grand Record
For the British market of this label, use Era (7)
German label owned by Beka-Record A.-G., intended for the Argentinean market, but also present in Russia and other countries. Era Grand Record discs were commercialized in Britain since 1907 at earliest, under the Era (7) variant.
By 1910, Beka record A.-G. was adquired by Carl Lindström A.-G.. Era Grand Record subsequently became Era (11) in Argentina.
In Argentina it was licensed by Carlos Domingo Nasca under an exclusivity deal by an unknown retailer. Records had red labels, using #cat series 6X.XXX and matrix-catalogue. Many of its issues later appeared, or were contemporaneously reissued, in Nazca's other label Disco Artigas and a number of BeKa labels (Beka-Grand-Record, Scala-Record (3)) and Lindström micro labels (Victoria Record, Victoria Gemini, Chantecler, Gayarre, Parlophone Record, Phono D'Art).