The Bioinformation Study
Настоящее имя: The Bioinformation Study
The Bioinformation Study has been designed basically for the purpose of outlining all such subjects dealing, with mental proceses and
relaxing music under a progressive psychological approach. It is our intention also to spread, promote and research in these fields,
covering so, in an efective way, the current existing gap, both national and internationally.
A great number of people, doctors, teachers, psycologists, parapsycologists, musicians, etc., from different countries, making up
different research and treatment teams, all widely recognised, have designed our courses. Thus taking in to account up to date educational
technics as well as any progress achieved in research, national an internationally, we are able to offer our pupils pleasantly but
throughly psycological clinic taching and mental sciences to a proffesional level, without leaving aside their scientific aspects.
Departments of:
Naturist Medicine : psychical and preventive - Clinic psycology - Psychical cures - Psychosomatic rehabilitation -
Psycology and Neuropsycology teaching - Research in human behaviour - Mental and Neuropsycological processes -
Issuing of text books, audio and video cassettes.
Plaza del Colegio del Patriarca, n.º 4 - 3.º - 6.ª
46002 - Valencia - Spain