National Music Lovers
Настоящее имя: National Music Lovers
U.S. record label (1922-1927). This was the creation of William S. Scherman, who in 1926 would go on to found the Book-of-the-Month Club. His concept here was to sell cheaply produced discs in prepackaged sets of eight, for $2.98, by mail order only. The sets were produced in several series, including Dance and Popular Song & Dance (red labels), Operatic Song (purple labels), Old-Time Songs (black labels), Band & Concert (blue labels), Hymns and Sacred Songs (dark green labels), Irish Songs (light green labels) and Novelty (orange labels). Masters were obtained from many sources, particularly the Regal Record Company, Inc., and discs were pressed by the Scranton Button Company. The label was discontinued in the spring of 1927 and replaced with the New Phonic label.