UNI Kulturní Magazín
Настоящее имя: UNI Kulturní Magazín
UNI culture magazine
Czech uncommercial monthly magazine published by Unijazz association since 1991. It is focused on young, more particular readers. Music, mostly rock, jazz, world and contemporary (music) makes more than an half of its content. It also contains reviews of new CDs released in Czech Republic and abroad.
Up to issue 8/2014 it was sized atypically 105 x 297 cm fully in black and white. Since 9/2014 it is A4 sized, black and white including coloured cover.
[l=Unijazz], sdružení propodporu kulturních aktivit
Jindřišská 5
110 00, Praha 1
Czech republic
tel.: +420 222 24 09 01
cellphone: +420 731 503 822
e-mail: uni@unijazz.cz
Editor-in-Chief: [a=Ondřej Bezr]
Graphics: [a=David Rambousek]