EMI Music Brasil Ltda.
Настоящее имя: EMI Music Brasil Ltda.
Brazilian record company formed by EMI Group Plc (EMI), formerly known as EMI Music Ltda. until 2003.
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Note: this is a company, not a label. Do not credit as such.
CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica - Ministério da Fazenda) 33.249.640/0004-31 (registration / enrollment opened on 05-13-1994) and 33.249.640/0001-99 (registration / enrollment opened on 12-28-1966)
Rodovia Presente Dutra, S/N, KM 229,8 - Parte 11 - Vila Augusta, Guarulhos, Sao Paulo
(until 2004-2005, almost always appeared in back cover of releases, but with simplified usage)
Avenida Rodolfo Amoedo, 333 - Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro
(from 2005)