Midtown Productions (2)
Настоящее имя: Midtown Productions (2)
East Palo-Alto, CA label started by Manny (13)
From what it seems, the label has a back story involving East-Palo Alto neighborhood kingpin Michael D. Washington. Mike was from the same neighborhood as Ad Capone of Totally Insane and agreed to help Ad with his venture into the music business by funding the group's first project. Their debut album "Crazy Shit" was finished and ready to press when Mike was tragically killed and his brother Chris took control of things, refusing to push forward with their album. In the coming weeks of Mike's passing, Ad Kapone and Mac-10 met with Manny (13), a friend of Ad's who became close with Mike before his passing, and tried to negotiate a buyback of the album from Chris. Unsuccessful, due to the outlandish asking price, they were forced to scrap the album and create an entirely new album. This new album, funded by Manny, would become their first official release Direct From The Backstreet. The buzz from the album quickly attracted In-A-Minute Records to sign the group and continue album pressings. Manny would go on to put out [r3963389], which was also part of Mike's plan; yet the label seems to discontinue shortly after.
Also credited as Midtown Records (8).