Antrim Music
Настоящее имя: Antrim Music
Canadian publisher affiliated with BMI established ca. 1968. Also appears as Antrim Music Publishing Co. Owned by The Irish Rovers and run by their manager Les Weinstein, it was named for the band members' home county in Ireland. A US branch existed until 1971. Catalogue was represented internationally outside of North America by Essex.
(all contact info now obsolete)
HEAD OFFICE 1973 to ?
110-12 Water St.
Vancouver, BC
(604) 684-1475
HEAD OFFICE 1968 to 1972
2142 Fourth St. S.W.
Calgary, AB
PH: (403) 266-2487
US BRANCH 1968 to 1971
2707 Midway Dr.
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
PH: (707) 542-0177