Timezone (2)
Настоящее имя: Timezone (2)
German record label, publishing house and music distribution, based in Osnabrück; founded in 2002.
Label Code: LC 12791
Owners: Holger Gechter and Gerald Oppermann
Please use this company/label only if 'Timezone' is indicated on the release and/or with the logo 'timezone ....a record company.'
For 'Timezone Records' please use Timezone Records.
A combination of both profiles is possible.
(Gechter/Oppermann GbR)
Weißenburger Str. 4
49076 Osnabrück
Tel.: #49 (0) 541-66 85 696
Fax: #49 (0) 5 41-66 85 792
E-Mail: buero(at)timezone-records.com