No Immortal
Настоящее имя: No Immortal
NO IMMORTAL grew out of an increasing dissatisfaction with a music industry which seems to have grown old, tired and confused. All 'industry' and no 'music', its lack of vision comes at a time when there is a corresponding explosion of creativity and networking amongst artists and musicians at the fringes of culture - outside the traditional model - discovering new tools and technologies.
Inspired by connectivity in all its manifestations and with a hunger for experimentation and deconstruction, No Immortal came into being in the fall of 2000. Positioned to take a defiant, uncompromising stance on life, love and creativity, No Immortal seeks to contribute to the rich arena of digital arts, music and multimedia as it unfolds in its ever mutating forms. We will journey where others sometimes fear to tread and attempt to navigate a more rewarding course through the sea of mediocrity. Our way is to find a path with heart - one which is as exhilarating as it is beautiful.
No Immortal will be a calling card for the most forward thinking and radical artists across a range of genres - those tired of mind numbing conformity or pandering to existing notions of 'underground' or 'mainstream', 'electronic' or 'acoustic', what's cool and what's not. The intention is to generate a compelling catalogue that showcases experimental music while at the same time isn't afraid of being accessible and.... well, just enjoyed for the hell of it!
T: +44 (0)7752 751902