Настоящее имя: Tailee
Taiwanese label, also appears as Tai Lee and 泰利唱片 [Tai Li Changpian] on logo. Most releases unofficial.
The release year can generally be determined from a number on the labels. The date format is: YY.MM.DD. (YY年 MM月 DD日) although, in most examples consulted, DD is not listed. Add 1911 to the year number for the release year. If these numbers are not present, the release date should be left blank unless stated on the front cover, or elsewhere.
Why is this year format used in Taiwan?
It is known as the Republic of China calendar (中華民國曆) or Minguo calendar (民國紀年). The calendar uses 1912, the year of the establishment of the Republic of China (ROC), as the first year (i.e. year 1). Therefore, to convert any year written in this format to Common Era year, simply add 1911.