Association Phonique Des Grands Artistes
Настоящее имя: Association Phonique Des Grands Artistes
(also appears as A. P. G. A. / A.P.G.A. / APGA) A Company formed in 1908 by French artists and a few Belgian and Italian singers to obtain a greater share of the profits than they were receiving from the leading record manufacturers. All the records were 27 cm. in diameter, slightly larger than the normal 10 inch size. The label showed a picture of the Paris Opéra in the background with a female figure in the foreground with one arm resting on the trumpet of a gramophone. Well know artists who recorded for the organization were Nivette, Muratore, Verlet, Ventura, Eyreams and Leon Melchissedec a great name of French 19th Century Opera. By 1911 the Company had become largely inactive and was wound up in 1913, and catalogue sold to Pathé.
A virtually complete listing of the records and article on them is to be found in 'The Record Collector' for March 1954.