Ad Litteram
Настоящее имя: Ad Litteram
Founded in 1998 by Guillaume Lombart, a French publisher based in Montréal, Ad Litteram is, above all, an independent Canadian publishing company. Its autonomy and its philosophy are its strength in terms of its choices: defending the rights of authors and promoting the works entrusted to it. Its local editorial line is simple: develop new talents on the Québec scene.
Ad Litteram currently represents around 20,000 titles. Ad Litteram publishers invest in local music. Discovery of talents, promotion, assistance for creation, mentoring, Ad Litteram's mandate is to develop artists.
Ad Litteram
1952, rue Centre
Montréal (Qc) H3K 1J2
Tel: #1 (514) 903-9876 #202
Siège social :
Ad Litteram
3488, rue Addington
Montréal (Qc) H4A 3G6