Настоящее имя: Thermidor
Now defunct label operating in early-mid 1980s from Berkeley, California, closely affiliated to Systematic Record Distribution and Subterranean Records.
Per Joe Carducci (of Systematic Record Distribution, Optional Music and SST), he started Thermidor with Jon Boshard (an MFA from UCB). Their first release was a Flipper record co-released with Steven Tupper of Subterranean and credited to both labels.
("Systematic had a label [Optional Music] but my partner was not easily interested in this or that band so I kicked a few hundred dollars to Steve Tupper and we called the first Flipper 45 a Subterranean-Thermidor co-release.")
Thermidor 3 co-credits World Imitation Records and Thermidor, noting Thermidor as a "service" of Subterranean Records.
The Tikis 1981 release (Thermidor 3) back cover says:
(c)1981 World Imitation Records
Thermidor: A Service of Subterranean Records, 912 Bancroft Way, Berkeley CA 94710
This was probably Steve Tupper's home address before he moved Subterranean to San Francisco a couple of years later. Tupper told Tim Yohannan of Maximum Rock and Roll in an online interview that Subterranean originally ran out of his living room.