Corporacion Los Ruices
Настоящее имя: Corporacion Los Ruices
Please use Corporacion Los Ruices, S.A. or Corporacion Los Ruices, C.A. when it appears as such.
Originally as Corporacion Los Ruices S.A. and later on as Corporacion Los Ruices C.A. was a Venezuelan record company founded in 1970 to release titles from labels like RCA, EMI, HARVEST and also local Artists using their own CLR, COLOR label. Around 1979 this was a big record company in Venezuela and part of the "GRUPO RICKEN" with La Discoteca and TH Discos. In the early 80s they lost the EMI distribution, the company renamed as Cordica C.A. and continue as the sole distributor for RCA in the country. In the 90s Cordica C.A., Top Hits Discos and La Discoteca label were sold to Balboa Records.
Balboa Records de Venezuela, C.A.
Edif La Discoteca Piso 1
Telephone: (58)(212)2726422
Fax:(58) (212) 2724466