I Dischi Di Angelica
Настоящее имя: I Dischi Di Angelica
Record label of the AngelicA Festival of music in Bologna, Italy, created by Massimo Simonini and Mario Zanzani.
Name of the label on first releases (nos. 001-002-003-004-006) was Caicai Music (Associazione di Idee), later changed to Associazione Di Idee (no. 005), AI Associazione di Idee (nos. 007-010-011) or AIAI (Associazione di Idee) (nos. 008-009).
It was only from no. 012 that it took the current name i dischi di angelica
(all lowercase)
I Dischi Di Angelica
via San Vitale 63
40125 Bologna Italy
Distributed by: [l=ReR Megacorp]