Wilcox-Gay Corporation
Настоящее имя: Wilcox-Gay Corporation
Wilcox-Gay was founded in 1910 and shut down in 1963 after declaring bankruptcy a second time; they manufactured and distributed radios, dictation machines, blank recording disks and the Recordio line of home recording machines.
Note: There are three kinds of releases for the Wilcox-Gay Corporation.
One-offs: these are not made to be sold, they are unofficial radio or home recordings. Do not add these to the site.
One-off exceptions: these include if there is more then one of copy of an original recording made for family and or friends but was never meant to be sold, the other exception is there is concrete evidence that it was made by a major musician like the Johnny Cash recordings.
Commercial Release: for example, Myth & Magic by Tenshun has a custom record sleeve and label on one side, they made and sold 10 copies.