Golden Era Productions
Настоящее имя: Golden Era Productions
The Church Of Scientology state-of-the-art film and audio facilities, dedicated to upholding the legacy of founder [a933999]’s audiovisual works. It was established in 1978 and is located in Gilman Hot Springs. Set on 500 acres in Riverside, Southern California, this is the worldwide dissemination centre for the entire Scientology religion, responsible for all film, video, television, Internet and international event production.
It encompasses a 80,000-square-foot film studio, an 84-track music recording studio large enough to accommodate an orchestra, a 112-track 5.1 cinema surround-sound mixing studio, a film laboratory and a sound restoration studio. An entire building is devoted to the recording of translations of Hubbard's works in 16 languages. Reportedly the studio owns two Neumann VMS-82 DMM lathes for cutting Hubbard's speeches unto metallic discs in order for them to be preserved.
CDs manufactured here can be identified by GEPC1 in the matrix string or GEP / CA in the mould area. The associated SID code is IFPI UF01.