Настоящее имя: FOPI
FOPI stands for Family Ov Psychic Individuals, which was a lose collective of Psychic TV fans, who got together in the mid 1990s. From 1999 to 2006 the group had an online forum at (now defunct), where they built a comprehensive Psychic TV discography and did host tribute art and music. The abbreviation FOPI was used not only for the community, but also for collaborative music under the group name Family Ov Psychick Individuals. Any contributor to the web forum as well as to the collaborative music group could use the label (or project/group) name FOPI for any kind of release. That's why the releases were done by different people in different countries and why there never was any kind of catalog number system. Anyone just did as he liked. The FOPI activities ended, when the web forum went down in 2006. The term FOPI was still occasionally used by former FOPI staff in later years.