Paragon Studio, Berlin
Настоящее имя: Paragon Studio, Berlin
Studio owned by and engineered by Tangerine Dream member Peter Baumann. Founded in 1977 by Baumann and producer Erhard Wenzel. He also produced and published music works under the names Paragon (13), Paragon Verlag and Paragon Musikverlag.
Engineers who worked here: Horst Müller (chief), Matthias Härtl, Will Roper.
The studio featured as a location in Peter Fratscher's 1980 film "Asphaltnacht" where many of the scenes were shot inside Paragon Studio. It was also showcased in the July/August 1978 issue (08/1978, p. 14-15) of German Studio Magazin publication.
The same building in the Bundesallee later housed Nucleus Tonstudio.
[now obsolete]
Bundesallee 86-88
1000 Berlin 41
Tel. 030/852 20 07