The London Gramophone Corporation
Настоящее имя: The London Gramophone Corporation
A company of the London Records label that was founded in New York on July 31, 1946 as "The London Gramophone Corporation" and operated as a distributor and rights holder. It subsequently changed its name on April 6, 1953 to London Records, Inc. In addition to one in New York, it also maintained an office in Montreal.
Name Variations:
"London Gramophone Corp."
"London Gramophone Corporation"
"The London Gramophone Corp."
"The London Gramophone Corporation, New York 1, N.Y."
For releases issued after April 6, 1953, please see London Records, Inc.
541 W. 25th St.
New York, NY 10
USA (Contact info now obsolete)
3123 East St. Catherine St.
Canada (Contact info now obsolete)