Russell Records (2)
Настоящее имя: Russell Records (2)
Ventura, California
A record label, manufacturing and distribution company. Incorporated in 1955 Ventura, California as Russell Records, Inc.
Russell Records is shown in "Journal of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation" in an article from October 1952 although they appear to have existed well prior to that date.
They specialized in records and dance routines for gym's, physical education and education. The company is now defunct.
Known to have used Research Craft for pressing some of their releases.
Now Defunct.
Russell Records
P.O. Box 328
Ventura, California &
Russell Records
2476 Thompson Blvd.
Ventura, California
1403 Callens Road
Ventura, California 93003
75 So. MacMillan Ave
Ventura, Calif.