Настоящее имя: HMV
PLEASE NOTE: This is the modern record retailer. Mostly active from mid 1980s.
This label should be used only for releases where this retailer is the Exclusive Retailer for a release or for releases released by this retailer.
Please use His Master's Voice for releases on the long-standing record label owned by EMI.
- HMV Classics
- HMV Jazz
- The Greatest Collection
- HMV Shibuya & Online 10th Anniversary
- Global Roots
- HMV (Shibuya) 5th Anniversary
- HMV (Shibuya) 6th Anniversary
- HMV (Shibuya) 7th Anniversary
- Playlist (5)
- Playlist (6)
- 1921 Series
- HMV 1921 2021 100th Anniversary
- 1921 Edition
- Playlist: Dance & Urban
- Playlist - Choice