Harvard Disc Record
Настоящее имя: Harvard Disc Record
This label was manufactured in the U.S. by the American Graphophone Company (Columbia) between 1905-07. The name was first applied to inexpensive external-horn phonographs the company manufactured that were sold through Sears Roebuck & Co, and the record label was produced to match the phonograph name. Both 7" and 10" pressings were released, containing material recorded as early as 1902. The earliest releases were 7" discs bearing plain light-blue labels. Later issues were 10" pressings with orange on gray labels bearing a college-pennant trademark. All pressings were single-sided. Catalog numbers of Harvard releases were identical to those of corresponding Columbia records, but were anonymous. Sears Roebuck & Co discontinued the label in early 1907, in favor of the Oxford Disc Record.