FFRR Records Ltd.
Настоящее имя: FFRR Records Ltd.
Record company (copyright holder) associated with the dance music label FFRR, operating under this name since 5 August 1986.
Please only use this profile - for copyright and other company credits etc..
Full legal entity name: FFRR Records Limited
UK Company number: 01989940
Status: Active
Incorporated: 17 February 1986 as 'Rapid 585 Limited'
Name change: 5 August 1986 - this page
The company has been a wholly-owned subsidiary of Warner Music UK Ltd. since 18 June 2011.
Registered office address:
FFRR Records Limited
Cannon Place
78 Cannon Street
United Kingdom
Seventh Floor,
90 High Holborn,
Interpark House, 7 Down Street,
London, W1J 7AJ
Waldon House, 57/63 Old Church Street,
London, SW3 5BS
FFRR Records,
P.O. Box 1422,
Chancellors House, Chancellors Road,
London, W6 95G
15 Saint George Street,
London W1A 2LB
21 Wigmore Street,
London, W1H 9LA