Nexø Forlag
Настоящее имя: Nexø Forlag
The publishing company of Danish left wing political party Danmarks Kommunistiske Parti/Marxister-Leninister (DKP/ML), established 1981. It also became a record label in 1982 when no other record company would release the new Savage Rose album En Vugge Af Stål due to it's highly political lyrics. The company folded in 2004.
Nexø Forlag
Midgårdsgade 5
2200 København N
Phone: 01 39 92 76
Nexø Forlag
Lipkesgade 23, st. tv.
København Ø
Foreningen Nexø Forlag af 1981
Ryesgade 3F, 1.
2200 København N
(all now obsolete)