Profane Productions
Настоящее имя: Profane Productions
"Exclusively for limited CDr releases"
profanecdr 001 Xasthur [US] A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors (Ltd 150) 2001
profanecdr 002 Devotee [US] Dead and Gone (Ltd 100) 2001
profanecdr 003 Morthond [US] Somber Deathwinds (Ltd 150) 2003
profanecdr 004 Finsternis [Fucking Texas] Eine Finster Nachtmusik (Ltd 125) 2003
profanecdr 005 Anu [US] s/t ep + bonus tracks (Ltd 150) 2005
profanecdr 006 The Black Death [OZ] Spreading the Plague of Black Metal (Ltd 144) 2005
profanecdr 007 Arcane Necrosis [OZ] Arcane Necrosis (Ltd 150) 2006
profanecdr 008 Miasma [US] Of the Blood (Ltd 150) 2006
profanecdr 009 Breath Of Chaos [Can] They Lay In Stone Houses (Ltd 150) 2006
Ma-Kahru Distribution
P.O. Box 887
Pittsfield MA
01202-0887 USA