De Beste Zangers Van Nederland
Настоящее имя: De Beste Zangers Van Nederland
Television series with established Dutch vocalists. Originally the format was set up as a competition to be the best singer of The Netherlands, later the competitive aspect was made inferior and the focus became for each singer to pay tribute to the others in the program.
Hosts: Edsilia Rombley (2009), Victor Reinier (2010-2011) and Jan Smit (2012- ).
The series was renamed in 2016 to Beste Zangers.
The format is successfully exported to many countries, among which Liefde Voor Muziek (Belgium), Toppen Af Poppen (2) (Denmark), Laula Mu Laulu (Estonia), Vain Elämää (Finland), Stars Au Grand Air (France), Sing Meinen Song - Das Tauschkonzert (Germany), Hver Gang Vi Møtes (Norway), A Mi Manera (Spain) and Så mycket bättre (Sweden).